
AdsPower Blog

Keep up to date with AdsPower's research in the anti-detect industry, with in-depth analysis of browser fingerprinting and exclusive insights.

The Hidden Dangers of Browser Extensions and How to Avoid Them
2024/09/02 17:00:00

The Hidden Dangers of Browser Extensions and How to Avoid Them

In this blog, we’ll show you how to use browser extensions safely and avoid potential risks.

Enhancing Multi-Window Operations: AdsPower Synchronizer Usage and Troubleshooting Guide
2024/07/04 11:01:50

Enhancing Multi-Window Operations: AdsPower Synchronizer Usage and Troubleshooting Guide

Learn how to utilize the Synchronizer tool of AdsPower for syncing operations across multiple windows and fix common issues.

Behind the Scenes: How AdsPower Keeps Your Data Safe
2024/04/09 15:59:30

Behind the Scenes: How AdsPower Keeps Your Data Safe

Unsure how AdsPower safeguards your data? Dive in to explore our security features and how we keep your multi-accounting safe!

How to Manage Browser Tabs in the Synchronizer?
2023/08/23 18:02:10

How to Manage Browser Tabs in the Synchronizer?

In this article, we will discuss tab management, a new feature in the synchronizer.

AdsPower's Synchronizer: A Complete Guide
2023/08/08 11:39:54

AdsPower's Synchronizer: A Complete Guide

In this post, we will walk you through the Synchronizer.

June Updates: Cache Backups, Highlighted Main Window, and Client Hints
2023/06/30 14:11:01

June Updates: Cache Backups, Highlighted Main Window, and Client Hints

In June, we introduced new features such as cache backups, Client Hints, and highlighted main window in the synchronizer.

Sync Across Screens? We Made It!
2023/06/16 17:57:14

Sync Across Screens? We Made It!

New features in AdsPower’s Synchronizer include sync across screens, typing random numbers, and action delay.

Synchronizer Updates: New Actions and Hotkeys
2023/05/06 11:13:21

Synchronizer Updates: New Actions and Hotkeys

Last month saw a series of updates on the Synchronizer.

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