
Why Is IP Purity Important? And How to Detect It?

By AdsPower

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Right now, learn what IP purity is and why it matters with our blog post, and discover effective ways to easily detect it for your online privacy!

On a nice morning, you're sitting in your favorite coffee shop, sipping on a latte, and enjoying the free Wi-Fi. Suddenly, you open your social media account and—boom!—you're hit with a dreaded "suspicious activity" alert. Your heart races, you spill your coffee, and now you're the center of attention.

All because your IP address was flagged as suspicious. If only you'd known about IP purity!

Nowadays, maintaining a pure IP address is crucial. Whether you're juggling multiple accounts, doing market research, or just trying to keep your online activities secure, getting a handle on IP purity is crucial.

This article explains what pure IP is, why IP purity matters and how to detect if your IP is pure.

Let's dive in!

Why Is IP Purity Important? And How to Detect It?

Understanding Pure IP

Pure IP refers to IP addresses that are rarely used and not seen as suspicious or abusive. So they are also not on blacklists.

These IP addresses are unique: they don't clash with other users or businesses. They can be considered pure if only one person uses an IP pool. However, if many users share an IP, especially from different businesses, its purity goes down.

Pure IP usually provide faster access and more stable connections. That's why a pure IP can greatly boost efficiency and security for businesses.

Importance of Pure IP

You might be curious why it's so important to keep your IP pure.

Many businesses manage multiple accounts on online platforms for various reasons. However, these platforms often restrict users to one account each.

If multiple accounts share the same IP address, platforms may detect them as coming from the same user, risking penalties or bans.

Why Is IP Purity Important? And How to Detect It?

Avoid bans

Like we mentioned before, IP purity is crucial for businesses managing multiple accounts.

Platforms like Facebook or Amazon may detect multiple accounts using the same IP address and consider them linked.

Even if two accounts have different registration details and are run on different devices, the external IP remains the same if on the same network. Once they share the same IP address, platforms may then link these accounts and take actions like suspension.

Improve anonymity

A high-quality IP pool has pure IP addresses that are not blocked, misused, or known as proxies. This helps avoid account issues and other problems.

If you are using proxy services, a pure IP pool is especially helpful for maintaining anonymity, because it offers a set of unblocked IP addresses, which are key to hiding your real identities and locations.

By hiding your true IP addresses, your can browse the internet more safely and feel more secure, knowing their private information is protected from prying eyes.

Scrape data effectively

For users engaged in market research, analyzing competitors, or scraping data from various websites, having a pure IP address is absolutely essential.

A pure IP address ensures that users can efficiently scrape high-quality data and avoid being detected or banned by the websites from which the data is being extracted. This is important for getting accurate and complete data, which can improve market research and competitor analysis.

Also, a pure IP can give more stable and reliable access to websites, allowing for ongoing data collection over long periods.

AdsPower is a multi-accounting tool designed for those who need to manage multiple accounts at the same time.

It offers following features to avoid IP association:

  • Isolated Profiles: AdsPower allows you to create isolated profiles to manage each account, ensuring data such as cookies, cache, and local storage remain separate. This can be set in the Information section.

Why Is IP Purity Important? And How to Detect It?

  • Unique Browser Fingerprints: It allows setting unique fingerprint for each account in the Advanced fingerprint settings, making each appear as if operated by distinct devices.

Why Is IP Purity Important? And How to Detect It?

  • Proxy Configuration: Actually, AdsPower does not provide any IP services, but it enables users to configure different proxy IPs for each account in the Proxy section, reducing risks for multiple accounts to be linked.

Why Is IP Purity Important? And How to Detect It?

For multi-accounting users, it's significant to focus on the IP purity. Using pure IP helps you ensure that each account are run independently, reducing restrictions and bans.

How to Detect IP purity?

Keeping your IP address clean is like maintaining a good reputation at a neighborhood barbecue—it's ongoing but worth it! With a pure IP, you can keep your IP address reliable for both your cat videos and your business.

Here's how to check if your IP is pure or not.

Look up Reverse DNS

Looking up reverse DNS can help you find all website names linked to an IP address. This means asking DNS to get the website names for that IP address.

If these website names look suspicious or are linked to bad websites, it could be a warning sign. Finding these websites helps spot security threats since bad actors use many website names to hide. This info is important for network admins and cybersecurity experts to watch and protect their networks.

Check History

The history of an IP address can show past misuse and unauthorized activities. Online services can tell you if the IP address has been involved in network attacks, fraud, or other bad actions.

You can also learn how often and how severe these incidents were, getting details about threat types linked to the IP address, helping you understand the security issues.

Check Blacklists

You can check online blacklist databases to see if your IP is listed for spam or malicious activities. These lists help keep the internet secure and are usually managed by internet providers and major platforms.

Checking these databases lets you see if your IP address is flagged, allowing you to fix issues and maintain trustworthy online activities. Besides, understanding your IP status helps you avoid service problems.

Use Detection Tools

You can use an IP purity detection tool like BrowserScan. BrowserScan helps you detect your IP purity by providing a detailed check. Use it to see if your IP address is on any blacklists, ensuring IP purity.

Why Is IP Purity Important? And How to Detect It?


Keeping your IP address pure is crucial for online security. Pure IP helps avoid bans, improve anonymity, and ensure effective data scraping.

Don't wait for "suspicious activity" alerts; be proactive!

Use methods including blacklist check, history check, reverse DNS lookup and IP purity detection to keep your IP's purity and enjoy a better online experience. Let this blog post be your first step toward a more secure digital future.


Why is my IP address added to the blacklist?

Some reasons might be that people who used this IP address before sent spam, did cyber-attacks, or did other bad things. Because of these actions, the IP address get a bad reputation.

How to improve IP purity?

You can use a VPN or proxy service to ensure a pure IP. Remember to follow the rules of service providers and regularly check if your IP is on any blacklists. If it is, remove it when necessary.