
Me and AdsPower: Share Your Story, Get Free Access

By AdsPowr

AdsPower's goal is to secure customer's accounts. That’s why we're building a diverse collection of real stories about using AdsPower for business and scaling up! When you share your story, not only are you helping break stigmas by spreading insights but also letting others know they aren't alone in experiences.

By sharing your story, you will also have a chance to have it reposted or featured on our platforms. If this happens, you can get a reward we specially prepare — a 6-month plan!

What story fits

Tell your story with AdsPower — how you use it for your work and what are your unique findings here. We welcome any format, including text and video. It would be great if your story contains these points:

  • What do you use AdsPower for? How do you manage your accounts before using AdsPower and what was the difficulty?

  • Features you like and how they help you

  • Your experience of working with multiple accounts in your industry (affiliate marketing, crypto trading, E-commerce & dropshipping, betting, etc.)

  • How do you benefit from AdsPower?


All the time. An announcement will be published if we are putting an end to the collection.

How to share

1. Create content

The link to AdsPower's website or screenshots of the app should be included in your content.

2. Publish your content

Share it on any platform you can think of, like Medium, Facebook, Telegram, Instagram, YouTube, Tik Tok, etc.

3. Send us the work

Send the original content, as well as the link to its publication to

Subject: [Me and AdsPower] + )Your AdsPower account

4. Wait for review

Your work will be reviewed in 5 business days. You'll get an email if it's chosen to be posted on our platforms.

5. Get the reward

Once your work is selected, you can get a 6-month Base plan (which costs $114)!

Review criteria

Before being shared with the community, each work submitted will be reviewed according to a series of criteria:

1. Proficiency in using AdsPower

  • Level of awareness of AdsPower features

  • The way and techniques of using AdsPower

2. Uniqueness of thoughts on multi-accounting

  • Methods or experiences in working with multiple accounts

  • Special thinking in multi-accounting or your industry

3. Results of using AdsPower

  • Changes in your business brought by AdsPower

We are looking forward to hearing how you like AdsPower. Happy writing!


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Me and AdsPower: Share Your Story, Get Free Access