
Profiles Display Settings Updated: Text-Only or Custom NO. Available

By AdsPower

Have you ever felt confused at the opened profiles displaying on the taskbar? Sometimes, you may not distinguish which opened profile corresponds to which account. Actually, the custom icon setting can resolve such cases.

Profiles Display Settings Updated: Text-Only or Custom NO. Available

Users can customize the icons of the profile display, including only default icon, profile No., name, profile ID, notes, custom NO. Select certain icon which you are familiar with to identify different opened profiles, which will efficiently assist you to manage your multiple accounts. Recently, AdsPower had updated to support choosing "Display custom NO." and "Display only text" for the browser identity of the taskbar.

Display Custom NO.

How to display the custom number of the opened profile?

  1. Go to "Team" > "Global Settings" > "Custom Icon".
  2. Select "Display custom NO." in the dropdown. Then you will see an example of profile display.

Note: ONLY the last 4 digits of custom NO. will appear on the browser icon on the taskbar.

Profiles Display Settings Updated: Text-Only or Custom NO. Available

When you re-open the profiles, you will find the custom No. does not only occur next to the search bar on the browser interface, but also appear with the SunBrowser/FlowerBrowser on the taskbar.

Profiles Display Settings Updated: Text-Only or Custom NO. Available

Display Only Text

The text-only option is only available to "Display Name" and "Show Notes". However, the search bar on the browser will not be changed if you enable this setting. It is only for the icons on the taskbar of your computer.

  1. Move into "Team" > "Global Settings" > "Custom Icon".
  2. Tick the box in front of "Display only text" when you selecting "Display Name" and "Show Notes".

Profiles Display Settings Updated: Text-Only or Custom NO. Available

--Display profile name prefix:
Profiles Display Settings Updated: Text-Only or Custom NO. Available

--Display profile name suffix:
Profiles Display Settings Updated: Text-Only or Custom NO. Available

Note: You are able to choose displaying the prefix or suffix of the text. Additionally, there are some limitations of the text:

  • macOS displays up to 8 bytes (8 letters in English)
  • Windows display up to 8 bytes (8 letters in English)

If you cannot use the feature above, please upgrade to patch v2.7.3.5 or later.

How This Feature Benefits AdsPower Users

1. Enhanced User Experience: By allowing users to personalize their interface, AdsPower enhances user comfort and satisfaction. Whether you prefer a minimalistic look or need to track custom metrics, this feature puts you in control of how information is displayed.

2. Improved Efficiency: For users managing multiple accounts, reducing visual clutter can significantly improve focus and speed. Whether you're working on marketing campaigns, managing e-commerce stores, or handling social media accounts, these options can simplify navigation.

Try out this feature today to streamline your workflow and boost your productivity with AdsPower!


Best Multi-Login Browser for Any Industry

Profiles Display Settings Updated: Text-Only or Custom NO. Available