
Instagram Hacked: Can I Get My Hacked Instagram Account Back?

By AdsPower

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Think your Instagram account is hacked? Check this article to learn how to recover it and protect yourself from future attacks. Use AdsPower for secure account management!

Got logged out of your Instagram account? Caution! Your account may have been hacked!

Imagine working for years to grow your business on Instagram, only to have it stolen in a matter of seconds. This is what happened to Nikki Golding, who had spent eight years building her children's clothing brand. One day, her Instagram account disappeared. She received a message from the hacker, asking for $300 USD in exchange for the account. Since most of her sales came through Instagram, she was in a panic, unsure if she would ever recover her business.

Instagram Hacked: Can I Get My Hacked Instagram Account Back?

Unfortunately, Nikki's story isn't unique. Getting an Instagram account hacked has become a widespread issue, leaving users locked out of their accounts, helpless as hackers take control. Besides ransom, hackers may use your account to steal your personal information and spread malicious code to your friends.

If you've ever found yourself in this situation or worried that Instagram hacking might happen to you, here's what you need to know about Instagram hacking and how to recover a hacked Instagram account.

What Happens When Gets Your Instagram Hacked?

When getting an Instagram account hacked, the hacker typically gains control over your account and may change the associated email address, phone number, and password to lock you out. Here are some common signs that your Instagram has been compromised:

1. Receiving Notification Emails from Instagram

One of the first signs that your account has been compromised is a strange login notification, especially from an unknown device or location.

Instagram Hacked: Can I Get My Hacked Instagram Account Back?

When the Instagram hacker is trying to change your login credentials, like your password, phone number, you might see emails from Instagram notifying you of the change.

Instagram Hacked: Can I Get My Hacked Instagram Account Back?

If you receive these notifications without having made any changes, it's likely that someone has hacked your Instagram account.

2. Finding Yourself Locked out of Your Account

When got your Instagram hacked, even if you didn't get an alert or missed one, you'll find out when you try to access your Instagram. You will find that your password no longer works. It's a red flag that your account may have been taken over. Even worse, you can't reset your password by recovery code because the email address and phone number associated with your account have been changed.

Instagram Hacked: Can I Get My Hacked Instagram Account Back?

3. Strange Massage Sent from Your Account

Some hackers may leave your login credentials intact, but that doesn't mean your account is safe. They could be quietly accessing your data, spying on messages, or using your account for spam and scams.

Hackers may send direct messages to your followers, pretending to be you. These messages may include phishing links or requests for money. In many cases, the hacker's goal is to spread the attack further, compromising more accounts through your network of friends and followers.

If any of your contacts inform you that they've received strange messages from your account, take it seriously. In some cases, the hacker may even post inappropriate content or delete your posts altogether, further damaging your online presence.

Can I Get My Hacked Instagram Account Back?

The good news is that recovering your hacked Instagram account is possible, although it can be a complicated process depending on the extent of the hack. Here are the steps you can take:

1. Try to Reset Your Password

The simplest recovery method is to reset your password using Instagram's “Forgot password” feature. You'll receive a password reset link sent to the email address or phone number associated with your account. If the Instagram hacker hasn't changed your contact information, you should be able to regain access this way.

Instagram Hacked: Can I Get My Hacked Instagram Account Back?

2. Deny the Request of Changing Email or Phone Number

As we've mentioned above, if your email or phone number has been changed, you will probably receive an email asking you to confirm the change. If the request is not made by you, you can deny the request. The email will come from with a special link you can click to reverse the email change and help secure your account.

3. Report to Instagram for Help

If the hacker has changed your email address or phone number, you can still recover your account. Go to Instagram support to report your Instagram account hacked problem; Instagram will ask for your old contact details and a new email where Instagram can contact you. They may ask you to verify your identity, especially if you have photos of yourself on the account. Instagram may request a selfie video to prove you are the account owner, comparing it to photos on your profile.

Instagram Hacked: Can I Get My Hacked Instagram Account Back?

While hacked Instagram account recovery is possible, the success of these methods depends on how quickly you act and how much control the hacker has taken over your account.

Instagram Hacked: Can I Get My Hacked Instagram Account Back?

Why is My Instagram Account Hacked Easily?

You might wonder, "Why me?" and "How could my account be so easily hacked?" Instagram accounts are a prime target for hackers due to their high visibility and the valuable personal data they often contain. If your account has the following features or behaviors, it could be vulnerable:

1. Having a Weak Password

A weak password is a combination of characters or words that is easy to guess. Using strong passwords is what everyone agrees on. However, people may overlook that any password that contains personal information like your date of birth is also considered weak. Reusing passwords across multiple platforms is also putting your accounts in danger. These make it easier for hackers to guess your login credentials through brute-force attacks or by exploiting data breaches from other websites.

2. Scamed by Phishing Message

Phishing attacks are a prevalent method used by hackers to steal your login details. These attacks often come in the form of emails or direct messages that appear to be from Instagram. Once you click a link and enter your credentials, the hacker captures them and logs into your account.

Instagram Hacked: Can I Get My Hacked Instagram Account Back?

3. Using Public Wi-Fi Networks

Public Wi-Fi networks like those at cafes or airports are unsecured. Logging into your Instagram account with these public networks exposes your data to hackers. If you've ever logged into Instagram using public Wi-Fi, you may have unknowingly put your account at risk.

This is called MITM (Man-in-the-Middle Attacks). In an MITM attack, the hacker positions themselves between your device and the Wi-Fi router. As your data travels through the network, the hacker can intercept and read it without your knowledge. If you log into Instagram during this time, the hacker can capture your login credentials.

How to Avoid Being Instagram Hacked?

Since we've discussed several reasons that easily lead to an Instagram account hacked, we should take action to avoid threats. To protect yourself from future attacks, there are several measures you can take.

1. Use Instagram Securely with AdsPower

Accessing Instagram account through AdsPower can significantly increase security. It uses advanced encryption to secure data transmissions. This protects your information from unauthorized access or interception. AdsPower makes it extremely difficult for hackers to intercept your data, providing an extra layer of protection. It won't actively collect user's data, too.

With AdsPower, you can configure proxy and create unique profile for your Instagram account. So, no matter when and where you log in to your Instagram account, your IP remains the same. This prevent you from data leakage and Instagram hacks.

Tip: How to Manage Multiple Instagram Accounts Safely?

Multiple Instagram accounts can be helpful to handle different product lines, marketing campaigns, or personal interests. If you are managing multiple Instagram accounts, whether for business or personal use, leveraging AdsPower can be incredibly helpful. AdsPower allows you to manage several browser profiles where each account operates in its own secure environment, storing cookies and cache data separately. That's because you can set up different browser fingerprints for profiles you create. This reduces the risk of data leakage between accounts, ensuring that your personal information stays safe even if one account is compromised.

Instagram Hacked: Can I Get My Hacked Instagram Account Back?

2. Use Strong, Unique Passwords

These precautions are necessary and effective. But, if your account is hacked, watch out for ransom emails! If you receive a ransom email threatening to delete your account unless you pay, don't panic. Most of these emails are scams designed to scare you into paying. Paying the ransom does not guarantee that the hacker will give your account back. Instead, follow Instagram's recovery methods to regain control of your account without paying a ransom.

Create a strong password for Instagram that is at least 12 characters long, combining uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special symbols. Also, you'd better avoid reusing this password for other accounts. You can even change your password from time to time.

Instagram Hacked: Can I Get My Hacked Instagram Account Back?

3. Enable Instagram Security Tools

Instagram offers many optional settings like 2FA (two-factor authentication) and login alerts. You can find them in the Account Center's "Password and security" section. They add extra layers of security. 2FA works by requiring you to enter a verification code sent to your phone or email whenever you log in from a new device. Login alerts ensure every time your account is accessed on an unrecognized device or location, a notification will be sent to your email. They make it much harder for Instagram hackers to access your account, even if they have your password.

Instagram Hacked: Can I Get My Hacked Instagram Account Back?

4. Pay Attention to Phishing Scams

Phishing emails usually try to create a sense of urgency, claiming your account will be disabled or that you need to verify your identity immediately. Be cautious of unsolicited emails or messages with suspicious links asking for your login details or telling you to "verify your account."

Instead, access your account to check if any action is needed. Instagram has an option to review any legitimate emails it has sent you. Go to Settings > Account Center > Recent emails to verify if the email you received was from them.

Instagram Hacked: Can I Get My Hacked Instagram Account Back?

5. Secure Your Email Account

Since your email is the gateway to accessing Instagram or recovering hacked Instagram account, make sure it's secured with a strong password and two-factor authentication as well.


Is it common to get hacked on Instagram?

Getting an Instagram hacked is common. Instagram is a popular target for hackers due to its large user base. However, take the precautions we mentioned above, like enabling 2FA and using a strong password, can significantly reduce the chances of getting hacked.

Can I know who hacked my Instagram?

Instagram doesn't provide detailed information about the hacker. It's often difficult to trace exactly who was behind the attack. All you can do is focus on recovering your account and enhancing security.