
Stay Secure Together: AdsPower Announced Bug Bounty Program

By AdsPower

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For optimizing AdsPower browser and protecting cybersecurity for users, AdsPower released bug bounty program to encourage more users to join us to safeguarding the digital landscape.

There is no doubt that cybersecurity has never been more critical for everyone. With every click, swipe, and transaction, the threat of cyber-attacks looms large. Companies across the globe are constantly on the lookout for ways to protect their systems and user data. As a practical and widely-chosen tool for multi-accounting, AdsPower is no exception.

AdsPower, has taken a significant step forward in this direction by announcing its Bug Bounty Program. This initiative not only underscores AdsPower's commitment to security but also invites a community-driven approach to safeguarding the digital landscape.

Why AdsPower Released a Bug Bounty Program?

Given AdsPower's professional role in managing multiple accounts and automating tasks, cybersecurity is a top priority. Especially for most businesses, accounts are their vital or even the only assets, so safety is the foremost. As the platform grows, so does the potential risk of cyber threats. Ensuring that the platform is secure from vulnerabilities is essential to maintaining user trust and operational integrity.

Additionally, AdsPower always focuses on users' experience and responds positively to feedbacks from the customers, so this program also provides an opportunity for AdsPower technical team and users to work together to optimize the software to be better.

Before Bug Bounty Program, What AdsPower did?

In the past half year, AdsPower had completed a series of security optimization. For example:

  • Allowed to sophisticatedly manage members' permission for data protection;
  • Optimized the logic of the login authentication;
  • Added the secure Client token to enhance safety of the profiles and accounts;
  • Partnered with the famous security testing platform - Huoxian to discover dozens of bugs and fixed them completely, which rewarded about $6000 to the whitehats.

Stay Secure Together: AdsPower Announced Bug Bounty Program

What is the Bug Bounty Program of AdsPower?

A bug bounty program is an initiative where companies reward individuals for finding and reporting security vulnerabilities in their software or systems. AdsPower's security reward program had defined some rules for the vulnerability hazard assessment, please read them before submitting what you found. We divided into 4 types of the assessments: serious, high-risk, medium-risk, low-risk.

Read More: How to Join Bug Bounty Program of AdsPower

Stay Secure Together: AdsPower Announced Bug Bounty Program

Who can participate in AdsPower's Bug Bounty Program?

The program is open to individuals and teams worldwide who have a passion for cybersecurity. Whether you're a seasoned ethical hacker or a budding security researcher, AdsPower encourages you to contribute.

When did AdsPower Bug Bounty Program start?

This program started from August 13th and it is a long-term program. You can report the vulnerability anytime via emailing to

How much does the Bug Bounty Program payout?

According to AdsPower, the reward amount depends on the vulnerability level. For the details of reward standards, please check the rules carefully.

Stay Secure Together: AdsPower Announced Bug Bounty Program

Nowadays, AdsPower is the first anti-detect browser that announced Bug Bounty Program to protect the security of user information. Join our program if you found any security vulnerability on AdsPower software.


Best Multi-Login Browser for Any Industry

Stay Secure Together: AdsPower Announced Bug Bounty Program