
Troubleshoot: How to Fix Google Ads Account Suspended

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Facing a Google Ads account suspension can be stressful, but this article is here to help. We'll guide you through the recovery process, and provide valuable tips to avoid future issues.

Businesses use Google Ads a lot to expand their reach and drive conversions. However, Google Ads' policies are strict. Many users are facing account suspensions for various reasons.

When seeing this red banner appear on your Google Ads account, you must be nervous, right? If you have a suspended Google Ads account, you've come to the right place. This article discusses ways to recover suspended Google Ads accounts and tips to prevent future suspensions.

Troubleshoot: How to Fix Google Ads Account Suspended

Why Is My Google Ads Account Suspended?

Many causes will lead to Google Ads account suspensions. They are mainly policy violations, billing issues, or account security issues. To resolve the suspension issue, you should understand the root cause first. Here are some of the most common reasons why Google Ads accounts get suspended:

Policy Violations

Google has strict advertising policies in place to ensure the safety and quality of its platform. Violating any of these egregious policies can lead to immediate account suspension. Common policy violations include:

  • Prohibited Products or Services

Google has strict rules about the types of products, services, and content that can be advertised on its platform. Advertising content that promotes illegal products or services, such as drugs, counterfeit goods, is strictly forbidden.

Troubleshoot: How to Fix Google Ads Account Suspended

*The products shown in the pictures are for reference only.

  • Misleading Ads

Google is highly focused on maintaining transparency and accuracy in advertisements. Ads that are deemed misleading or dishonest can result in a suspension. For example, promising results or benefits that are impossible or highly unlikely to be achieved are considered misleading. And ads that show one product or service but lead users to a different offering, known as Bait-and-Switch, are strictly prohibited.

Troubleshoot: How to Fix Google Ads Account Suspended

  • Ad Content Violations

Even if your product or service complies with Google Ads policies, the content of your ads must still meet Google's standards. Ads that include inappropriate or offensive material can lead to suspension. Using inappropriate language, promoting violent content, or creating adult-themed ads will trigger a suspension.

  • Trying to Circumventing Systems

Google closely watches advertisers' behavior, any attempt to cheat or bypass their system can lead to serious penalties. If your account gets suspended and you try to open a new one to keep advertising, Google will notice and suspend the new account too. All related accounts will be affected.

Besides, using tricks like cloaking—showing different content to Google's review team than what users actually see—is a major violation and can quickly lead to suspension.

Repeated Policy Violations

Some serious policy violations will result in an immediate Google Ads account suspension. But, some of the violations are less serious and you will receive a warning from Google first. The penalty for each warning will increase until the third warning, when you will get your Google Ads account suspended. Google expects advertisers to correct violations and adhere to its policies consistently.

Unusual Payment Activity

Google Ads monitors payment activities closely. Your may get Google Ads account suspended for suspicious payments easily. These may include:

  • Payment Fraud

If your payment method is flagged for suspicious behavior like using stolen credit cards, your account may be immediately suspended. Even if your account has legitimate ads, fraudulent payment methods can lead to Google Ads account suspensions.

Troubleshoot: How to Fix Google Ads Account Suspended

  • Unpaid Balances

If you have an outstanding balance on your account and fail to pay it by the due date, your account may be suspended until the debt is cleared. Also, repeated failed payment attempts, whether due to insufficient funds or expired credit cards, can lead to account suspension.

Account Security Issues

Google suspends accounts if it detects security issues, like suspected hacking or unauthorized access. This is done to protect not only your account but also the integrity of the entire Google Ads platform and its users.

How to Fix a Suspended Google Ads Account

The first step to fixing a suspended Google Ads account is identifying the exact reason for the suspension. Google typically sends an email detailing the reason for suspension. You can also find this information in your Google Ads dashboard.

Troubleshoot: How to Fix Google Ads Account Suspended

Step 1: Review the Suspension Notification

Once your account is suspended, you'll receive a notification with information about the suspension reason. Read the email or notification thoroughly to understand the cause.

Troubleshoot: How to Fix Google Ads Account Suspended

Step 2: Identify and Resolve the Issue

After identifying the reason for the suspension, take the necessary steps to address the issue. Here are some solutions based on different types of suspensions:

  • Policy Violations

Review Google Ads policies to understand what rule was violated. Edit or remove the offending ads and ensure all future ads comply with the guidelines.

  • Billing Issues

Check your payment method and ensure that your billing information is accurate. What's more important, settle any outstanding balances and use a valid payment method.

  • Security Concerns

If Google suspends your account due to security concerns, change your account password immediately. Ensure that no unauthorized users have access to your account.

Step 3: Submit an Appeal

Once you've addressed the reason for suspension, you can contact Google Ads Team to submit an appeal to have your account reinstated.

Troubleshoot: How to Fix Google Ads Account Suspended

Your appeal should clearly explain how you've fixed the issue in detail. Include screenshots of changes made, proof of payments, or other evidence that shows you are now compliant with Google's policies.

Step 4: Wait for Google's Response

After submitting your appeal, Google will review your case and respond. This process can take anywhere from a few days to even several months, depending on the complexity of the issue. If your appeal is successful, your account will be reinstated, and you can resume advertising.

Please avoid filing too many appeals for the same account suspension. Google Ads will consider your behavior as misusing the appeals function. They will suspend processing of certain appeals for 7 days to ensure the overall stability of their systems operations. So, submitting one appeal at a time ensures timely response and review.

Tips to Prevent Google Ads Account Suspension and Improve Operations

Once your suspended Google Ads account is luckily recovered, it's crucial to ensure it remains in good standing. Here are some tips to help you avoid future Google Ads account suspensions and optimize your account operations:

1. Follow Google's Advertising Policies

There is no doubt that the best way to avoid account suspension is by strictly following Google's advertising policies. Stay updated on any policy changes and ensure your products, ads, and landing pages comply with Google's rules. Check regularly for any potential policy violations, billing issues, or security risks of your account.

2. Ensure the Security of Your Payment Activities

Always ensure that your billing information is up-to-date and your payment method is valid. If your credit card expires or you experience a payment failure, update it immediately to avoid interruptions.

Additionally, consider setting up alerts to notify you of upcoming billing due dates or low balances, ensuring you have sufficient funds to cover your advertising costs.

Troubleshoot: How to Fix Google Ads Account Suspended

3. Don't Circumvent System Policies

Avoid trying to bypass Google Ads suspensions by creating new accounts or using different payment methods. This tactic will result in harsher penalties, and all accounts associated with you could be permanently banned.

If you really need a new account and want to hide the connection to the suspended Google Ads account, try AdsPower. You can use it to create a unique browser profile and create a new Google account with the profile. You can set up multiple browser fingerprints, which Google used to detect associated accounts, for browser profile. These include your operating system, browser version, language preferences, time zone, screen resolution, installed fonts, and more. With the brand new fingerprint, your account becomes a new, separate account.

Troubleshoot: How to Fix Google Ads Account Suspended

4. Protect Your Account from Hackers

Turn on 2-step verification to secure your account and prevent unauthorized access from unknown devices and locations. Google takes account security very seriously, and any suspicious activity can trigger a suspension. By adding an extra layer of security, you reduce the risk of hacking attempts.

Troubleshoot: How to Fix Google Ads Account Suspended

5. Improve Your Ad Quality

Quality ads not only comply with platform policies but also improve user experience, leading to better engagement and higher conversion rates. Ensure that your ads are clear, relevant, and not misleading. Avoid using clickbait or making exaggerated claims about your products or services. High-quality ads that provide value to users are less likely to result in complaints or policy violations.

6. Operate Multiple Google Ads Accounts Securely

Managing multiple Google Ads accounts can be essential for various reasons, particularly for digital marketers, agencies, and businesses that handle campaigns for multiple clients or brands. Each business may require a separate account for specific targeting, budgets, and strategies. However, running multiple accounts can be risky. Google's policies on account management are strict, and handling multiple accounts from the same browser or IP address could raise red flags. This is where AdsPower becomes a valuable tool.

By using AdsPower:

  • Each Google Ads account is run in an isolated browser profile, reducing the risk of one account being linked to another.

  • All your data is stored and transmitted with encryption. No one except you can access to the data.

  • AdsPower allows you to easily switch between accounts while maintaining security and compliance with Google's guidelines. Greatly increase efficiency.

Troubleshoot: How to Fix Google Ads Account Suspended


If you're facing a Google Ads account suspension, just follow this guide! Take immediate steps to resolve the issue, submit an appeal, and apply the best practices to avoid future suspensions. With the right strategies, you can keep your ads running smoothly and maximize your advertising potential on Google Ads.


How long is a Google Ads account suspended for?

The duration of a Google Ads suspension varies depending on the reason for the suspension. For most policy violations, the suspension will last until the issue is resolved and you've submitted a successful appeal. However, repeated violations or serious infractions (such as promoting counterfeit goods) can result in a permanent suspension.

Can I make a new Google Ads account after suspension?

If your account is permanently suspended, creating a new Google Ads account under the same billing information or identity will result in the new account being suspended as well. Google Ads policies prohibit advertisers from circumventing suspensions by opening new accounts. Instead, focus on resolving the issues in the suspended account and submit an appeal to have it reinstated. Or try to create a new Google account with AdsPower.


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Troubleshoot: How to Fix Google Ads Account Suspended