AdsPower 3.4.1 Release: Token and Ads Data Collection/ Authorization Change
In order to get the Facebook access tokens, you need to log into an account to check it out. This process could be time-consuming if you have a large number of accounts. Now AdsPower 3.4.1 will greatly free up your time by allowing you to get the access tokens just in the app, without opening the browser profiles manually.
A new authorization method was also added to allow sharing accounts with team members without assigning them to a group first. This method, which can help improve team management efficiency, is especially suitable for teams that own a small number of accounts.
So what’s new
1. Automated task Check Token
1) Go to “Account Management”, select Facebook accounts, then click the “Check” button and tick “Check Token”.
2) You can monitor the automated tasks in “Task Management”.
3) When the task is started, you can get the access token and export it. (Data Report -> FB Access Token).
2. Automated task Check Consumption Data (Facebook advertising statistics)
1) Go to “Account Management”, select Facebook accounts, then click the “Check” button and tick both “Check Token” and “Check Consumption Data”.
2) When the task is started, you can get Facebook advertising statistics of the chosen accounts (Data Report -> FB Ads Report).
3. New authorization method
1) Choose the authorization method “Account dimension” (Team Management -> Global Settings).
2) Go to “Account Management”, select accounts that you want to share, then click the “Account authorization” button.
3) Select users with whom you want to share the accounts.
All of the above mentioned features are available for AdsPower teamwork plans. Register and start your trial today!